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A goal is something you want to track that is not captured by existing analytics. This can be a click on a button, a download, a specific page view, for example a thank you page after a checkout, and so on.


The pageview target is the easiest to set up. The conversion of the target happens when a visitor reaches a specific page.

For example, you could track the call to a "Thank you page" after the user has ordered something or signed up for a newsletter.


Custom goals will require some extra code implemented to the tracked website, which is specified when you create a new goal from the dashboard.

A custom goal is mainly used for when you want to track a specific event that happens on your website, which can't be tracked with the pageview method.

Some examples of where custom goals will shine are:

  • Tracking clicks on external links
  • Tracking more advanced form submissions
  • Tracking clicks on specific parts of your pages

Add custom click tracking

Step 1

Create a new goal and choose "Custom event". You can change the name and the key. The key will later be placed inside the code for the onclick event on your website.

Step 2

For triggering this code when a user clicks on an alement like a button, link or element simply add onclick="fairanalytics.goal('my-goal')" to the html element. You can replace the term my-goal with your custom key name.

Here is an example for a link:

  <a href="" onclick="fairanalytics.goal('my-goal')">Linktarget</a>

Here is an example for a button:

  <button onclick="fairanalytics.goal('my-goal')">Buttonname</button>
Step 3

If your code is working properly, you can see the tracked clicks in your Fair Analytics dashboard: